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Kursnummer: 17922on

What is the Impact of the War in Ukraine on the upcoming Elections in France, Hungary and Serbia?

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

When: Thursday, 17 March 2022, 9:00-10:30 CET
Where: Concordia Cloud, Webex

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Webex link one day before the event. Registration deadline: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 20:00 CET

Register now.

Cooperation project with the representation of the European Commission in Austria.



Sylvie Kauffmann, editorial director and columnist, Le Monde.


Botond Feledy, foreign affairs specialist, senior non-resident fellow at the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Development (CEID). His research focuses on EU-US relations, cyber security and influence operations in Central Europe. Based in Brussels.


Jovan Teokarević, political scientist, professor of comparative politics, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade.


Hungary holds parliamentary elections on 3 April 2022. On the same day Serbia holds general elections. On 10 April France holds presidential election.

The war rages in Ukraine and its consequences are unpredictable. Yet, politicians use the times of uncertainty for their own promotion. What could be war’s impact on the results of the coming elections? Can opposition candidates compete in uncertain times with politicians who hold power?

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić


Brief presentations followed by a live Q@A.

Target Groups

Austria-based journalists, thinktank analysts and academics. International media and analysts are welcome.

Further Questions

For additional information about the session, contact Mirjana Tomic, seminar curator,, or call 0676 365 26 93

Jovan Teokarevic

Jovan Teokarevic

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dr. Jovan Teokarevic is professor of Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia (since 2002), and visiting professor of European Studies at the College of Europe, Natolin Campus, Warsaw (since 2016). He also used to teach previously for many years about the Balkans at the NATO Defense College in Rome and at the Master Program of the University of Vienna. His research, published in 7 authored and 12 edited books, has focused on: post-communist transition, politics in the Balkans, EU and NATO enlargement and EU-Western Balkans relations. Before joining the University of Belgrade, he had worked for 20 years as research fellow of the Belgrade-based Institute for European Studies. He was also founder and Director of the Belgrade Centre for European Integration, Serbia’s academic coordinator of the international master program in Southeast European Studies (done with the University of Graz), and Chairman of the Governing Board of the Open Society Foundation Serbia.

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Botond Felady

Botond Feledy

foreign policy expert

Mr. Botond Feledy is foreign policy expert currently living in Brussels. He is senior non-resident fellow at the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Development (CEID), and focuses his research on EU-US relations, cyber security and influence operations in Central Europe.

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Sylvie Kauffmann

Sylvie Kauffmann

editorial director and columnist, Le Monde

Sylvie Kauffmann is editorial director and foreign affairs columnist at the French newspaper Le Monde.

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