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Kursnummer: 114422on

Russo-Ukranian War: US Policy Options and EU Plans

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Series

When: 29 November 2022, 18:00-19:00 CET (Vienna time); 12:00.13:00 EST (New York time).
Where: Concordia Cloud, virtual event

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: 28 November 2022, 18:00 CET.

Register now.


US Policy Options

Barry R. Posen, Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the director of MIT's Security Studies Program. Fields of expertise: security studies; international security; military strategy; restraint; nuclear studies; military doctrine. Based in Cambridge, Mass., USA.

EU Plans and Perspectives

Rosa Balfour, Director, Carnegie Europe. Her fields of expertise include European politics, institutions, and foreign and security policy. Europe’s Futures, IWM, alumna. Based in Brussels, Belgium.


Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, Director of Europe’s Futures-Ideas for Action program (IWM)


US and EU have pledged to support Ukraine as long as it takes. What does this promise mean in practical terms, considering diverging opinions of some US policy makers and European leaders? How long can the US sustain its current level of support for Ukraine considering the outcome of the midterm elections and war fatigue? Is the EU ready for a possible change of the US policy? How long is the period: “as long as it takes”?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 70


Moderated conversation followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 93

Rosa Balfour

Rosa Balfour

Director of Carnegie Europe

Rosa Balfour is director of Carnegie Europe. Her fields of expertise include European politics, institutions, and foreign and security policy. Her current research focuses on the relationship between domestic politics and Europe’s global role.

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Barry R Posen

Barry R. Posen

Professor of Political Science at MIT

Barry R. Posen is Ford International Professor of Political Science at MIT, Director Emeritus of the MIT Security Studies Program, and serves on the Executive Committee of Seminar XXI. He is the author of Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy, (Cornell University Press 2014), Inadvertent Escalation: Conventional War and Nuclear Risks (Cornell University Press 1991), and The Sources of Military Doctrine (Cornell University Press 1984 ). The latter won two awards: The American Political Science Association's Woodrow Wilson Foundation Book Award, and Ohio State University's Edward J. Furniss Jr. Book Award. He is also the author of numerous articles, including "Europe Can Defend Itself," Survival, December 2020, "The Rise of Illiberal Hegemony--Trump's Surprising Grand Strategy," Foreign Affairs, March/April 2018, "It's Time to Make Afghanistan Someone Else's Problem," The Atlantic, 2017, "Contain ISIS," The Atlantic, 2015, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, and "Command of the Commons: The Military Foundation of U.S. Hegemony," International Security, (Summer, 2003.) He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2016 he was appointed Henry A. Kissinger Chair (visiting) in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the Library of Congress, John W. Kluge Center. He is the 2017 recipient of the International Security Studies Section (ISSS), International Studies Association, Distinguished Scholar Award, and in 2019 received the Notre Dame International Security Center's Lifetime Achievement Award.

He has been a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow; Rockefeller Foundation International Affairs Fellow; Guest Scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Woodrow Wilson Center Fellow, Smithsonian Institution; Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States; and a Visiting Fellow at the John Sloan Dickey Center at Dartmouth College.

Source: MIT

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