Kursnummer: 115221on

Managing the EU external Borders and increasing Migration

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

Cooperation partners:

Erste Stiftung Logo
Presseclub Concordia Logo
Europes Futures Logo


Angeliki Dimitriadi, political scientist, specialist in irregular migration and policy analyst. She is the Head of the Migration Programme at ELIAMEP, the leading think-tank in Greece.

Marta Jaroszewicz, an expert in migration and security. Assistant professor at Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw.

Giuseppe Campesi, associate professor in law and society, University of Bari, Italy. Expert in border control and migration policies.

Carmen González Enriquez is a Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid, Spain, where she heads the department of Migration. She is also a Full Professor in the Department of Political Science at the UNED.

Lorenzo Gabrielli, political scientist, migration expert, focus on the Mediterranean and Africa. Senior researcher and professor at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, and associate professor at Science Po, Bordeaux, France.

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić, Presseclub Concordia/fjum and Ivan Vejvoda, acting Rector of Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)


European Union member states disagree on migration policies and how to manage the external borders. However, migrants and refuges keep arriving. The phenomenon is not new, but the numbers are increasing-

Spain’s decades-long border protection policies did not attract international media attention, like Poland and Greece did. Italy, once the focus of media interest, fell into oblivion, while migration continued. Media only registers migrants’ deaths. Can Europe manage its borders without a common policy?

How have Spain, Italy, Greece, and Poland managed their border policies? Which policies were debated? What were the options?

Migration and policy experts from Spain, Italy, Greece, and Poland explain the situation on the ground. Do migration/border policies reflect facts on the ground, or they follow ideological guidelines irrespective of developments?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 50


Brief presentation followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email: Mirjana.tomic@fjum-wien.at, Cell: +43 676 365 26 93

Carmen Gonzalez Enriquez

Carmen González Enríquez

Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute

Carmen González Enríquez is Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute, where she heads the Migration area. She is also a Full Professor in the Department of Political Science at the UNED.

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Giuseppe Campesi

Giuseppe Campesi

Giuseppe Campesi has obtained a Degree in Law from the University of Bologna (2003); a M.A. in Sociology of Law from the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (2005); and a Ph.D. in Legal Theory and Law and Society from the University of Milan (2008).

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Angeliki Dimitriadi

Head of the Migration Unit and Funded Programmes Manager at ENA Institute for Alternative Policies

Dr. Angeliki Dimitriadi is a Head of the Migration Unit at ENA Institute for Alternative Policies in Athens and non-resident fellow at GPPi in Berlin. She is a political scientist interested in irregular migration and asylum, and the interplay between migratory movement and policies of deterrence and protection. Her research looks on Europe, particularly the frontline countries and countries of transit (Turkey). She is adjunct professor at CYA and NKUA teaching courses on migration and asylum policy.

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Dr Marta Jaroszewicz

University of Warsaw

Dr Marta Jaroszewicz is an assistant professor at Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, and principal investigator in two research projects: “Securitisation (de-securitisation) of migration on the example of Ukrainian migration to Poland and internal migration in Ukraine” and “Mobility, migration and the COVID-19 epidemic: governing emergencies in Lithuania and Poland”.

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Lorenzo Gabrieli

Lorenzo Gabrielli

Political scientist

Lorenzo Gabrielli, political scientist, specialized in migration. Gabrielli is a Senior Researcher at Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, a joint professor at the Political Science department, as well as an Associate Researcher at Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po, Bordeaux, France. Gabrielli’s research focuses on migration in the Mediterranean region, with special focus on Africa, and he has led numerous international research projects.

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