Kursnummer: 112021on

Legislative Elections in the Russian Federation

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen


Konstantin Gaaze is a Russian sociologist and political journalist. His professional experience encompasses numerous positions: political adviser to the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, columnist for the Russian edition of Newsweek, researcher for Carnegie Moscow Centre, lecturer at Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, to mention a few. Currently, Gaaze hosts one of the most popular Meduza podcasts. Gaaze’s research focuses on the functioning of the Russian political system and bureaucratic structures. Based in Moscow.

Tatiana Romanova is an Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University. Her research focuses on the EU-Russian economic and political relations, Russian foreign policy, energy markets and security, Green Deal, and sanctions. Romanova has published numerous books and articles on the EU- Russia relations. Based in Saint Petersburg.


The Russian Federation holds legislative elections from 17 to 19 September 2021. Numerous potential candidates have been barred from participating. Some have been detained. Is there going to be an opposition in the Duma? Does it matter who sits in the Duma? Who represents voters’ concerns? Does foreign policy, especially the EU-Russia relations, depend on the Duma?

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić


Brief presentations followed by a live Q@A.

Target Groups

Austria-based journalists, thinktank analysts and academics. International media and analysts are welcome.

Further Questions

For additional information about the session, contact Mirjana Tomic, seminar curator, mirjana.tomic@fjum-wien.at, or call 0676 365 26 93

Tatiana Romanova

Dr. Tatiana Romanova

Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University and at Higher School of Economics

Dr. Tatiana Romanova, Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University and at Higher School of Economics. Jean Monnet Chair (2011), Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2015). Research interests: EU-Russian economic and political relations, energy markets and security, Green Deal, normative competition, resilience, legal approximation, sanctions, Russian foreign policy, EU institutions and decision-making.

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Konstantin Gaaze

Russian sociologist and journalist

Konstantin Gaaze is a Russian sociologist and journalist. From 2006 Gaaze was a political adviser to the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Then he left civil service and began his career as a journalist, working as a reporter and political columnist for the Russian edition of Newsweek and as an editor for Moscow News daily, Interfax Newsagency, and the news magazine Big City. From 2015 to 2019, Gaaze had collaborated with the Carnegie Moscow Center. In 2017, he won the “Journalism as a Profession” award in the commentary category. From 2016 to 2020 Gaaze lectured in the history of sociology at the sociology department of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. In 2019 cofounded educational and research NGO 'Moscow Philosophical Circle'. Since 2021 Gaaze has hosted a popular Russian political podcast on one of the most reputable Russian media Meduza.

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