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Kursnummer: 18323on

Elections in Greece: between Economic Concerns and the Rule of Law

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

When: Monday, 15 May 2023, 9:00-10:30 CEST (Vienna time)
Where: Online, Concordia Cloud/Webex

Registration deadline: Sunday 14 May 2023, Noon. Registered participants will receive a Webex link one day before the event.

Register now.


What do Greek Voters care about?

George Siakas is as an Assistant Professor of Political Behavior at the Department of Political Science at the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), as well as Research Director of the Public Opinion Research Unit (PORU) at the University of Macedonia Research Institute. Based in Thessaloniki.

Does foreign policy depend on the election results?

Alexandra Voudouri, is a research fellow at the prestigious ELIAMEP think tank and a journalist, currently working as a Brussels correspondent for the Greek newspaper Kathemerini. Voudouri’s expertise is Greek foreign policy and European Affairs. Based in Brussels.

Migration: between Silence and Reality

Angeliki Dimitriadi, migration expert, is Head of the Migration Unit and Funded Programmes Manager at ENA Institute for Alternative Policies. Based in Athens.


On 21 May 2023, Greece holds general elections using a simple proportional representation system. A total of 36 parties and party coalitions will compete for 300 seats in the parliament.

While international observers expect surveillance and corruption scandals to dominatevoters’ concerns, public opinion expert, George Siakas, explains that voters’ concern focuses on economic issues and poverty.

While Siakis will zoom on internal issues, Voudouri will explore different foreign policy scenarios, should the opposition win. Dimitriadi will explain the current situation and policies regarding migrants and refugees.

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants: Maximum 70


Brief presentations followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic
Email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 93


Alexandra Voudouri


Alexandra Voudouri is a journalist, born in Athens. She has studied at the National University of Athens (BA) and at the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies- University of Cardiff, UK (MA). She is covering diplomatic and European affairs issues for Greek media (printed and online), while focusing on developments in Southeastern Europe and mainly, in the Balkans. Within this framework she has conducted reports related to the implementation of the Prespa Agreement, on the importance of the European Union’s enlargement, as well as on Disinformation in the Western Balkans, on behalf of NATO.

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George Siakas

Assistant Professor of Political Behavior

Dr George Siakas serves as Assistant Professor of Political Behavior at the Department of Political Science at the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh). He also serves as the Research Director of the Public Opinion Research Unit (PORU) at the University of Macedonia Research Institute. He’s been involved in the design and the implementation of numerous quantitative and qualitative research projects for private entities, news networks, NGOs and think tanks. He’s also collaborated with research institutions as an external expert.

His research interests focus on survey methodology, the Greek party system, electoral behavior and modes of data collection. In 2017, he authored a book on how to measure attitudes and beliefs of the Greek Public Opinion with the title (“Measuring Public Opinion”). In 2019 he co-authored a book on the attitudes and the beliefs of the Greek Public opinion during the Greek economic crisis (2010-2019).

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Angeliki Dimitriadi

Head of the Migration Unit and Funded Programmes Manager at ENA Institute for Alternative Policies

Dr. Angeliki Dimitriadi is a Head of the Migration Unit at ENA Institute for Alternative Policies in Athens and non-resident fellow at GPPi in Berlin. She is a political scientist interested in irregular migration and asylum, and the interplay between migratory movement and policies of deterrence and protection. Her research looks on Europe, particularly the frontline countries and countries of transit (Turkey). She is adjunct professor at CYA and NKUA teaching courses on migration and asylum policy.

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