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Sweden holds general elections on 11 September 2022, while addressing two parallel security challenges and debates: internal and external.
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Italy holds snap elections on 25 September 2022. Most opinion polls indicate that the far-right party with a fascist past, Fratelli d’ Italia, could lead the new government. Should predictions turn out to be correct, how can this attraction of the far-right be explained?
European Contexts Seminar Series
Economic decisions and political consequences
There are two ways to follow this seminar:
US and EU have pledged to support Ukraine as long as it takes. What does this promise mean in practical terms, considering diverging opinions of some US policy makers and European leaders? How long can the US sustain its current level of support for Ukraine considering the outcome of the midterm elections and war fatigue? Is the EU ready for a possible change of the US policy? How long is the period: “as long as it takes”?
A Talk with Vivan Wu, award-winning Chinese journalist, media innovator, founder of Mighty Voice LLC, former BBC Chinese Hong Kong Bureau Head, BBC World Service
2023: Europe’s Challenges and Choices
1. Presseclub Concordia attendance - Registration!2. Zoom participation - Registration!
What are the criteria for becoming an integrated migrant/refugee? Realities and PerceptionsLessons and debates in Sweden, Italy, Austria, France, and Germany
European Contexts Series
The war in Ukraine has entered its second year and the situation on the ground, in Europe and the US, has been evolving: from declaring that no fighter jets would be sent to Ukraine to deploying the first airplanes to the Ukrainian army. What do different options imply in practical terms?
Waiting list
Numerous academic and non-academic analyses have been exploring Russian history to provide explanation for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We have invited Sergei Medvedev to explain the historical and current context.
On 21 May 2023, Greece holds general elections using a simple proportional representation system. A total of 36 parties and party coalitions will compete for 300 seats in the parliament.
Einblicke zur aktuellen Auseinandersetzung um das EU-Rechtsinstrument zur Sicherung von Medienfreiheit mit Renate Schröder von der Europäischen Journalistenvereinigung (EFJ) am 24. Mai 2023 online
Eine Pressebriefing von Netzwerk Klimajournalismus und fjum
A Conversation with Martin Breum, Danish Journalist, Expert on the Arctic.
Sie sind Journalist:in und wollen über Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder berichten? Lernen Sie in diesem Seminar viele Tipps zur Berichterstattung über geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt und den Umgang mit Betroffenen und ihren Unterstützer:innen.
After defeats at municipal election, Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called on snap elections for 23 July 2023. Which issues are at stake? Will Spanish presidency of Council of the European Union be affected?
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