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Kursnummer: 16922on

A Conversation with Melita Šunjić

Politik und Medien
  • Melita H. Šunjić
  • 15.02.2022, 09:00 – 10:00
  • kostenlos. Anmeldung erforderlich! (1 fjum_Punkt)
  • 0nline (Zoom)
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When: 15 February 2022, 9:00-10:00 CET
Where: Concordia Cloud

Only registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: 14 February 2022, 18:00CET

Register now.

Cooperation project with Presseclub Concordia


Melita H. Šunjić is a communication expert specialized in designing information campaigns customized for different refugee and migrant groups: her field research focuses on motives that trigger departure, experiences along the journey to Europe and expectations/frustrations upon arrival. She has interviewed over 2000 refugees.

Šunjić is the co-founder and Director of Transcultural Campaigning, a Vienna-based agency specializing in migration research communication campaigns geared towards migrants and refugees. She has consulted several European Governments, the UNHCR as well as the EU Asylum Agency.

For over 25 years, Šunjić worked for UNHCR in various communications functions in numerous conflict zones: the Balkans, Pakistan/Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Georgia, South Sudan, and the Middle East. She has also lived in Budapest, Pretoria, and Moscow.

Melita Šunjić holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Vienna and has regularly been teaching there since the late 1980.

Šunjić resides in Vienna; she is an Austrian of Croatian origin. Her parents came to Austria as refugees.


A meeting of EU interior ministers in France on 3 February 2022 resulted in the establishment of a new Schengen Council as well as proposals to get member states to either accept migration quotas or pay towards supporting other members that do. In March the Council will hold its first meeting.

France holds presidential elections on 10 April 2022 and managing migration is high on the agenda.

Since 2015 numerous EU members states have constructed walls and erected barbed wire fences along their external border to stop migration. However, migrants and refugees keep coming and dying/drowning on the way.

Can walls stop migration? Why do people decide to leave? Are they informed what awaits them during the journey and in Europe? What do they expect to find in Europe?

Various European governments and international agencies have asked Melita Šunjić to examine these questions…


Moderated conversation, followed by a live Q&A

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomic, fjum/presseclub Poncordia

Target Audience

Professional journalists, thinktank analysts and academics

Maximum: 70 participants

Additional Information, Cell : +43 676 3652 693

Melita sunjic

Melita H. Šunjić

communication expert

Dr. Melita H. Šunjić is an Austrian citizen with Croatian roots. She started her career as a journalist with the Foreign Desk of the Austrian daily Wiener Zeitung and, in 1993, joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) where she stayed for 25 years in various communications functions and worked in numerous conflict zones: the Balkans, Pakistan/Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Georgia, South Sudan, and the Middle East. She has also lived in Budapest, Pretoria, and Moscow.

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